Sabbath Evenings Virtual Firesides for Latter-day Saint Families
I remember during my growing years enjoying the enriching experiences of attending ward, stake and regional fireside with an inspiring guest speaker or artist of the church sharing their faith-promoting story. Now thanks to the Covid Pandemic and the modern technology of Virtual Meetings - my family and I are able to enjoy some of the best firesides of the church around the world on a variety of gospel topics from the comfort of our home.
Weekly Sabbath Firesides[]
Tabernacle Choir Broadcasts[]
- Music and the Spoken Word 8:30AM-MST Sunday : Live Stream link here for "Music and the Spoken Word" broadcast featuring The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. With conductor Mack Wilberg, organist Richard Elliott, and Lloyd Newell as announcer.
- - Official Website
- The Tabernacle Choir on YouTube - Catch all prior performances here
- 25-Apr-2021 Music & The Spoken Word - "Faith in Humanity"
- 18-Apr-2021 Music & The Spoken Word - "Something is Better than Nothing"
- 11-Apr-2021 Music & the Spoken Word - "The Great Power in Every Human Heart"
- 04-Apr-2021 Music & the Spoken Word - 2021 Easter Special
- 2018 Handel's Messiah Easter Special - the previously-recorded 2018 Messiah performance by the Choir and Orchestra, with world-class soloists, has been refreshed for a new premiere experience on YouTube. Plan your own Messiah sing-along in your own home or enjoy playing the performance on-demand on Easter Sunday.
- Piping Up Organ Concert at Temple Square Noon-MST Wednesday : Live Stream Link here for 30-minute concerts each featuring a different organist. (Over 100 episodes to date!) Noon organ recitals have been a tradition on Temple Square for more than a century. The current pandemic has halted this tradition temporarily, but now via the internet the noon organ recitals will resume without an audience but with full COVID-compliant precautions. The five accomplished Tabernacle and Temple Square organists Richard Elliott, Andrew Unsworth, Brian Mathias, Linda Margetts, and Joseph Peeples will be featured in a new concert series. The concerts will be presented each week on Wednesday at 12:00 noon. (mountain).
Church NewsRoom[]
The church is posting lots of fun stuff online every week:
- How I #HearHim: Pres. Dallin H. Oaks (15-Apr-2021) - the Lord can bless us and bless others if we #HearHim.
- The Peace and Hope of Easter: President Russell M. Nelson Palm Sunday Invitation (28-Mar-2021)
- April 2021 World Report of the Church - The World Report is a semiannual report of news events around the world pertaining to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prepared by Church Newsroom.
- UNICEF Thanks the Church - Latter-day Saint Charities, the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced in February a US$20 million grant to support UNICEF’s global work with the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator and the vaccines arm of the ACT Accelerator called the COVAX Facility.
Follow Him with Bytheway and Smith[]
This is your chance to study the Come Follow Me with two of the finest Professors of Religion from BYU-Provo. Join hosts Hank Smith and John Bytheway as they interview experts to make your study for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Come, Follow Me course not only enjoyable but original and educational. If you are looking for resources to make your study fresh, faithful, and fun–no matter your age–then join us every Sunday.
- 24-Apr-2021 : D&C 45 with guest Dr. Brent Top - Note: Two-part episode.
- 17-Apr-2021 : D&C 41-44 with guest Dr. Barbara Gardner Note: Two-part episode. Dr. Barbara Gardner joins Hank Smith and John Bytheway to share tips on teaching through the Spirit and discuss the amazing man Edward Partridge was as the first bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- Official Website for their weekly podcast.
Dont Miss This: Emily Freeman[]
If you came looking for ways to gather and share ideas for home centered learning, you are in the right place. Their best episodes are the field trips to church history sites that you've never heard of! This weekly gospel study fireside features award winning gospel writer Emily Freeman and her cohost David Butler.
- D&C 45 (Apr 26-May 2) Come Follow Me Don't Miss This - This is a section focused on the Second Coming and the signs of the times.
- D&C 41-44 (Apr. 19-25) Come Follow Me Don't Miss This - This section was often referred to as The Law among the Saints of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the early church.
- - Official website for their weekly podcast and study newsletter.
- FieldTrip from the Shores of Lake Erie in Ohio - studying sections 30-36 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Clairemont Mormon Studies[]
The Latter-day Saint Council for Mormon Studies was formed in 2002 to help advance Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University. For more than a decade the Council has fulfilled its mission by sponsoring a wide range of virtual firesides, courses, lectures, conferences, and other events.
- Clairemont Mormon Studies - Official Website
- Anthony Sweat, "Adjusting our Eyes: Latter-day Saints and their Developing Religious Imagery” 11-Apr-2021 Fireside.
- Melissa Inouye, "God's Sandbox: Believing and Belonging in a Big, Broken World" - 15-Mar-2021 Fireside - An amazing life story: "When life gets scary and overwhelming, they say, turn to God–to faith–to Church. So I did this, and what happened? Everything got 99.98 times scarier and more overwhelming. When society blows you this way and that, they say, cleave fast to the gospel culture."
BYU Speeches[]
- Gordon B Hinckley 1999: Keeping the Chain Unbroken (16-Apr-2021): Life is a great chain of generations that we in the Church believe must be linked together. Never permit yourself to become a weak link in the chain.
- LeGrand Richards 1981: Missionary Experiences (12-Apr-2021): The missionary experiences of Elder LeGrand Richards testify that the doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ speak for themselves.
- Neil Anderson 2011: Honesty—The Heart of Spirituality - Elder Neil L. Andersen teaches and testifies that honesty is an eternal principle that spurns deception, loves truth, and invites trust.
Now the Day is Over[]
Award-winning pianist Garth Smith offers inspiring arrangements of sacred music you know and love every Sunday evening - 7PM MST.
- Garth Smith Music - Official Facebook Page.
- God So Love the World - Garth shares his piano arrangement from the album "Classical Piano for the Sabbath Day" combined with the vocals of Becky Foster. Filmed at the Church of Our Lady Queen in Dudeldorf, Germany (vocals) and the Cooper Memorial Chapel in Bella Vista, Arkansas, USA (piano).
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel - #LIGHTtheWORLD. O Come, O Come Emmanuel is the first video release from Garth Smith's fourth studio album "A Sacred Christmas" which features 11 tracks of original piano arrangements of beloved (and some new) Christmas songs. Videographers: Korey Smith/Cameron Gade.
Everything Else[]
- Camp if for All - Special roundtable virtual meeting invitation for scout leaders and parents working with Special Needs Scouts. Do you have a challenged child/youth that you would like to take outdoors this summer? This Wedz - 6:30PM (PST).
Save the Date[]
Upcoming Events of the Church[]
- April 29–30, 2021 : BYU Women’s Conference - "I Am a Child of God. His Promises are Sure." host a digital conference only with 35 sessions in English and 5 given in Spanish and 5 translated into Spanish, with an additional 7 complimentary sessions.
- May 2, 2021 : Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults -Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Sister Lesa Stevenson will be the featured guests at a worldwide devotional for young adults on May 2, 2021. All single and married young adults (ages 18–30) and students who will be finishing high school or the equivalent are invited to participate.
- June 13, 2021 : Face to Face for Single Adults - Elder Andersen, President Bingham and Sister Eubank to host Face to Face event for single adults in June.
- July 22 and 23, 2021 : Music for a Summer Evening (Pioneer Day Commemoration)
- September 12, 2021 : Face to Face for Young Adults
- October 2–3, 2021 : General Conference of The Church
- November 14, 2021 : Face to Face for Youth
- December 5, 2021 : First Presidency Christmas Devotional
Don't Miss These[]
- May 1, 2021 : Ephraim Temple Announcement - President Nelson shares ongoing efforts in Manti Utah Temple renovation and announces new Ephraim Utah Temple- 21st temple of the year.
- April 3-4, 2021 : April General Conference of the Church
- Feb 20, 2021 : 2021 Friend to Friend Church Broadcast - Children ages 3–11, parents, and Primary leaders and teachers are invited to participate in a Friend to Friend event, a Face-to-Face-styled broadcast for children. The event will include music and activities as well as messages by members of the Primary General Presidency, Elder Ulisses
- 25-Jan-2021: A Fireside Chat with Sheri Dew on Women and Leadership - Utah Women and Leadership Project.
- 06-MAY-2021 : Heavenly Rendition of GENTRI's "Don't Let Go" by Missionaries Serving in California USA - Thanks to the missionaries serving in the California, San Diego Mission for sharing their talents in this video.
- 20-Apr-2021 : Sister Jasmin Uchtdorf : Where Love is - Elder Uchtdorf has a granddaughter missionary serving in France and she is a very gifted singer.
Vanguard Scouting[]
- 22-Feb-2021 : Scouting Ahead: The Future of Scouting for Latter-day Saint Families - Wayne & Chris Perry, (Former BSA National President and wife) describe how scouting transformed their family and some curious stories about how the Church shaped the future of scouting and how provides ongoing support to families with pursuing the new Children and Youth Initiative of the Church.
- 15-May-2020 : New Religious Awards announced for Latter-day Saint Scouts -